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Hire Before the Holidays

Published: 09/27/2022

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Media Release                             

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   September 27, 2022                                             



Contact:  Karla Noftsier, Marketing Director

315-788-9210, ext. 205; [email protected]



Hire Before the Holidays

Salmon Run Mall Set to Host Get Hired Job Fair on October 11th


WATERTOWN, NY –  Salmon Run Mall invites area businesses to connect with eager job seekers during the Get Hired Job Fair, sponsored by the Children’s Home of Jefferson County, on Tuesday, October 11th from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.  Employers are invited to take advantage of this convenient opportunity to network with candidates at all skill levels and perform on-the-spot interviews and hiring.


The event is free to job seekers.  Participating employers include New York State Department of Corrections, Transitional Living Services, CW Resources at Fort Drum, the US Post Office, ARC Oneida-Lewis Chapter and more, plus dozens of mall merchants looking to hire for various positions.


Interested employers should contact Tom Kennedy, Advertising Manager, at [email protected], or Karla Noftsier in the Mall Office, at [email protected] or 315-788-9210.


For a complete list of events, new store openings, store promotions and more, visit www.shopsalmonrunmall.com, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.