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Malloween at Salmon Run Mall

Published: 10/18/2021

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Media Release                             

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   October 18, 2021                                                 


Contact:  Karla Woods, Marketing Director

315-788-9210, ext. 205; [email protected]


 Salmon Run Mall Celebrates Mall-oween Fun

 (WATERTOWN, NY) – This year, Salmon Run Mall will host various Halloween activities over the “Hallo-weekend” beginning October 28th – October 31st.

Mall merchants will offer various activities and giveaways, as well as contests and more throughout the weekend.  The main event will be Saturday, October 30th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Visit Zero Latency all weekend for a discounted rate and special “Undead Arena” tournament October 28th – October 31st.  Register with Zero Latency for this tournament.  There will be $200, $70 and $50 prizes given at the end of the tournament.

Special painting projects will be available from Paint It Pottery, from their new location near Claire’s.

Smack’s Candy & More will offer free face painting on Saturday, October 30th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a minimum purchase.

Auntie Anne’s will offer goodie bags to their customers throughout the day on Saturday, October 30th.

Check out the other events and Activities on Saturday, October 30th from XTreme Cornhole, Planet Fitness, Redemption Designz, Magick Apothecary and more!   Get the complete list at www.shopsalmonrunmall.com/, under Events.  Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Like us on Facebook!